Sunday, 1 June 2008

Hollows series by Kim Harrison

Compendium of Vampire Typological Traits and General Characterization in Contemporary Fantasy Novels
Part 4

Kim Harrison ~ Hollows Series

Please note that I have yet to read the 6th book in the series so this is susceptible to some latter changes.
What is vampirism?
Vampirism is some sort of metaphysical blood disease.
Becoming a vampire
Quite complicated. It seems there are 2 options.
Top-notch vampires are born as regular children with paranormal qualities in vamp clans. Their parents are still alive vampires, too. Living vamps turn into undead after (often arranged) physical death and resume existence in another quality.
The other way is to be ‘adopted’ by vampire clans (usually it includes regular blood donations) and turned directly from human to vampire. These vamps are considered having lower social standing.
Life expectancy
Alive until death for alive vamps. Can fall ill.
Immortal unless killed for real vamps. No physical diseases apply.
Extermination methods
Ordinary methods (natural death or death from illness included) for live vampires although they are a bit harder to kill than average human.
Wooden stake through the heart, decapitation for undead. Silver also works well. Both live and undead vamps can be killed by magical means. No info about what happens to the resulting corpse.
Character in general
Live vamps have less pronounced vampiric characteristics then the real deal, but it is still there. They eat, they breathe, they love, they cry, they can die. They also have craving for blood that can be suppressed. Basically, they are regular people with different characters and some unusual urges and abilities.
After turning into undead, they loose any morals whatsoever, ability to walk on sacred ground and in sunlight, but gain various sinister traits and abilities. The undead are vicious, mean and bloodthirsty monsters.
The change also results in severing of all emotional attachments thus leaving the undead bereft. Because of this, some of them may loose tie with reality and end up insane or even decease.
Looks in general
Looks vary from really gorgeous to quite mundane.
Clothing is mostly described as modern. Not enough info to make more than assumption. Body temperature for undead no mentioned so far.
Breathing & heartbeat
Yes to both for live vampires. No info for undead.
Feeding habits, int. al.: 1) solid food, 2) beverages, 3) alcohol, 4) intoxicating substances
Live blood via biting for both live and undead vampires. It is not requisite for live ones. Magic users can be included in the menu. Vampire’s salvia contains pheromones with aphrodisiacal properties.
Live vampires feed like regular people, although they do prefer their stake rare.
Undead vamps can consume food.
1) yes for live vamps; yes for undead
2) yes for live vamps; yes for undead
3) yes for live vamps, they can get intoxicated; yes for undead, no info about intoxication
4) yes for live vamps, they can get intoxicated; no info about undead
Sleeping habits
Nocturnal routine for live vamps is preferred, although they are in no way tied to the cycle of sun.
Undead vamps are most likely out cold during daytime. Older and/or more powerful vamps can overcome binding effects of sun.
Can mate with anything that moves, are very good at it. Still, are picky about partners. It is implied that undead vamps partly loose interest in this sphere.
Abilities & Superpowers
Supernatural perception, strength, speed, reflexes, stamina for living vampires. No clear info about superpowers.
No clear info about undead.
Social structure
Vampire clans consist of family members, the oldest and most powerful of them is in charge. Additional clan members are integrated by ‘adoption’. It is not clear whether obedience is insured via blood ties or simply because the leader really is the scariest and strongest one.
No definite general control mechanism is described.
Interaction with humans
Humans are aware of vampires’ existence; they are an integrated part of modern society.

Popular myths: 1) garlic, 2) holy items, 3) prayers, 4) sun, 5) coffins, 6) fangs, 7) animal form, 8) no reflection in mirror, 9) invitation into homes, 10) mist form? (true/false)
All of these myths are FALSE for living vampires. For the undead:
1) false
2) true
3) not clear
4) true, at least partly
5) I will look it up
6) true
7) false
8) I will look it up
9) I will look it up
10) false

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