Saturday, 31 May 2008

Twilight series by Stephenie Mayer

Compendium of Vampire Typological Traits and General Characterization in Contemporary Fantasy Novels
Part 3

Stephenie Mayer ~ Twilight Series

What is vampirism?
Vampirism is an infection disease.
Becoming a vampire
One bite is enough to turn human into vampire. Occurrence is unusual as vamp victims are in most cases fully drained of blood thus causing imminent death. The experience is described as very painful.
Life expectancy
Immortal unless killed. No physical diseases apply.
Extermination methods
Can be killed only if shredded into tiny bits.

Character in general
Characters influenced by traits they had as humans. The most prominent traits are amplified by tenfold after turning.
Good vamps try very hard to control their bloodlust, more or less successfully.
The protagonists of the series are rare exceptions of general vamp population – they exhibit some self-control and fight their blood-lust. However, this self-control is severely lacking in quality. It seems that rather small part of their tremendous energy is channelled towards socially acceptable behaviour.
Bad vamps are murderous predators.
Looks in general
Otherworldly appearance: very pale, very beautiful, very lithe, very… very. Skin glitters like diamond dust in direct sunlight. Eyes change colour when hungry. Body temperature: icily cold.
Breathing and heartbeat
Not required and is used only specifically for blending within human society. Breathing needed for scenting only.
Feeding habits, int. al.: 1) solid food, 2) beverages, 3) alcohol, 4) intoxicating substances
Live blood via biting once per week or so. Can use animal as well as human blood. Feeding is lethal to blood source. Apparently, they grow larger stomachs after turning and can drain victim completely. Bite is painful for victims.
1) true although food is compared to dirt
2) true (by collateral evidence)
3) true, no info about intoxication
4) no info
Sleeping habits
Vamps don't sleep. Ever.
Mating with humans tempered by strong bloodlust that can result in death of one partner. Can safely mate with their own kind.
Abilities & Superpowers
Supernatural perception applies in full force. Very strong, extremely fast, superb hearing and sight. Very tough, very… very.
Sometimes more prominent features from human life morph into such abilities as mind-reading, suggestion etc. although such occurrences are described as uncommon.
All vampires emanate attractant pheromones to ensnare potential victims; their scent, voice and touch are very enticing to humans.
Social structure
No social structure to speak of. Some vamps hunt in small covens that are governed by the strongest specimen. Some form something like families. Most are nomads.
The protagonists of the series are rare exceptions – they have a permanent residence in human settlement and actual house.
Interaction with humans
Humans are generally not aware of vampires' existence. They die if bitten, so there. The best they have is some rumours.
Popular myths: 1) garlic, 2) holy items, 3) prayers, 4) sun, 5) coffins, 6) fangs, 7) animal form, 8) no reflection in mirror, 9) invitation into homes, 10) mist form? (true/false)
1) no idea
2) no idea
3) no idea
4) false
5) false
6) true
7) false
8) false, I think
9) false
10) false, I think

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