Monday, 26 May 2008

Question of the Day – Why Mondays?

I wonder who made Mondays up.
I should like a word or two with them. Rather heavy word.
Mondays just don’t do it for me. I mean, here we are, on a fine weekend with terrific weather. Then, all of a sudden we have to go to work again. And the weather is still so very fine, so very pro-beach. Yes, my vocation is over. It more seems like it was a decade ago.
It could also have something to do with the movie marathon I had last night until 2am. I’ve had too little sleep. I’m usually grumpy on too little sleep.
Still. Mondays? Not such a bright idea if you ask me. We should make some useful changes and include Mondays in prolonged weekends. That would be really, really nice. Waking up on Monday is so… depressing. We shouldn’t have to do this.

I’ve focused on vampire fantasies lately.
I’m currently re-reading series by Karen Chance about clairvoyant Cassie Palmer and her misadventures with all kinds of trouble. There are three books out up to date, and all of them are brimming with fast-paced action, sparkling humour and every magical creature there is, many of them vampires. These series gripped me since the very beginning. If you happen to love a good fantasy with a pinch of romance and thriller, you’ll love it too. Guaranteed. Very entertaining and highly recommended.
On the other hand, the promising Twilight Series by Stephenie Mayer was disappointment. Could be I’m too old for high school romance. Could be I just disagree with her definition of vampires (Cold? Why the heck are they icy cold? Shouldn’t they be at least room-temperature? It also seemed that for so powerful beings as she makes her vampires they have way too feeble self-control.) Could be she just bubbles on too much. Fact: I was bored to sleep in the middle of culmination scene with all the chasing and action. Why this is a bestseller, I couldn’t really tell.
I’m trying my hand on Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost next. I’ll let you know what I think.

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