Wednesday, 28 May 2008

New Project

Well, then.

I somehow have started a new project. It is connected with my current reading material – vampire fantasy novels.
You see, vamps differ in interpretation of various authors. Some traits are almost always constant – immortality, night walking and alike –, others vary. Curiously enough, many of these features are seldom mentioned in folk legends and tales about vampires; the now traditional qualities are mostly formed in 19th century literature. I happen to like some of these modern interpretations more than others.
Out of sheer boredom I started to compile a list of most prominent vampire characteristics in different novels.

Here’s a list of questions I’ve formed so far. If you happen to read this and are a fan of the genre yourself, feel free to suggest more questions. I’d like that very much.

What is vampirism?
Becoming a vampire
Life expectancy
Extermination methods
Character in general
Looks in general
Breathing & heartbeat
Feeding habits, int. al.: 1) solid food, 2) alcohol, 3) intoxicating substances
Sleeping habits
Abilities & Superpowers
Social structure
Interaction with humans
Popular myths: 1) garlic, 2) holy items, 3) prayers, 4) sun, 5) coffins, 6) fangs, 7) animal form, 8) no reflection in mirror, 9) invitation into homes, 10) mist form? (true/false)

So far I’ve answered these questions for Laurell K. Hamilton, Karen Chance and Stephenie Mayer in what I’ve unpretentiously entitled “Compendium of Vampire Typological Traits and General Characterization in Contemporary Fantasy Novels”.

More coming soon.

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